Free Beginner Bass Course

Grab your free 7-day mini-course featuring easy step-by-step video lessons for beginners. Click the button below to get started...

Bass Guitar Lessons
Josh Fossgreen (Bass Teacher Ace)

Bass Lessons Include...

Our free beginners bass mini-course includes 7 days of killer video lessons. Each lesson has easy step-by-step play-along instruction. You'll be learning real songs (serious songs, not nursery rhymes) with proper technique from the get go:

Step-by-Step Instruction
Essential Tips & Tricks
Right-Hand Technique

How to get that pro-plucking tone and where to put your thumb for best performance. Once you know this foundational technique your bass playing will be tighter than tight.

Left-Hand Technique

Develop solid fretting technique, no buzzy or fumbled notes. And no finger confusion, know exactly which fingers to use on which frets and when.

Beginner Basics

All the basic stuff, including tuning your bass, bass straps, basic amp set-up, parts of the bass and more.

Blues Groove

Learn some actual music with this bad*ss blues rock groove. This lesson comes with 3 "workouts", slow, medium and fast so you can pick a tempo that suits your current ability.

Rave Reviews

Josh has taught tons of students for over a decade. Here's what some of his students think of his lessons.

" Josh rocks! I am an average bass rocker in an "old man band" as my son describes us. Josh really helped me out. Love how he broke it down and explained it to me in terms I could relate to."

Jody Copeland California, USA

" Hey Josh! I want to thank you so much for all of your videos. You allowed me to achieve great things with the bass and now I'm doing small gigs around my area! "

Thomas Duncan UK